COLAS RAIL Polska sp. z o.o. is a part of COLAS group - the world’s leading group in road construction and maintenance.
It gives a solid foundation based on very high level expertise and technologies. Operating on every continent in some forty countries, via a network of 1,400 sites, Colas employs more than 62,000 people, nearly half of them outside metropolitan France. Although 80% of its activity is devoted to roads, the group has been able to diversify, complementing its range of expertise in road safety, civil engineering, pipes, sealing, construction, railways and site pollution control.

Since 1986, Colas has joined the Bouygues group, thus propelling the industrial giant to the top position in the world construction market. In addition to this original area of activity – construction – Bouygues has rapidly extended its activities to real estate, telecommunications and television. It is now an essential and impossible-to-ignore player in the world economy.
Colas Rail is a company specialized in railway infrastructure. Due to the experience gained during implementation of many railway projects, financial, technical and management support, we have the opportunity to compete with the best in our industry. From year to year, we develop our staff and technical capabilities, so we are progressing with increasing confidence in the comprehensive realization of rail projects as followed:
- construction of railway infrastructure,
- modernization of the existing railway lines
Moreover since April 2016 we expand our business of rail freight, in particular of freight service of including railway and road chippings, coal and other feedstocks.
We are a socially responsible company. If possible, we try to cooperate with the local community and support nationwide charity campaigns. Among other things, we took the patronage of the social campaign " Bezpieczny przejazd" and Football Academy in Zbąszyn, we financed Christmas packages for the Special Educational Center in Jawor or we bought gift cards for employees, thanks to whom we donated money for meals for the pupils of the Pajacyk program. Each decision to participate in specific initiatives is made in accordance with ethics of the Bouygues group.